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How to enter
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- Read carefully the description of the category you wish to enter
- Read the top for success below of what the judges are looking for
- Explain in no more than 3000 words why you deserve the Award: what you set out to do and what has been achieved. Each category has its own specified criteria, but each will require a 3000 word statement in ONE document max 10 pages. Support materials within the 10 pages can be used to underpin the strength of your entry and can include third party evidence such as testimonials, surveys, independent press coverage, external recognition awards, recommendations etc. Entries that do not comply will be marked down or rejected.
- Provide supporting evidence – this is crucial
- The completed entry must be submitted by midnight on Friday 25 February 2022.
- Good luck!
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Tips for Success
Many people find it useful to have some guidance on what makes a good submission (and indeed a bad one!) so the following hints and tips may be helpful in giving you the best possible chance of making that all important shortlist.
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- Make sure that you enter for the correct category. There are 16 categories this year. We have made some small changes to the list so please ensure that the category you want to enter is actually being judged this year! We think that the titles and the brief commentary which goes with them are self-explanatory but if you are in any doubt please contact us for advice.
- Don’t submit the same entry for more than one category. You won’t win twice and putting duplicate entries actually reduces you chance of winning either category. Of course firms can submit entries for as many categories that they wish, but do make sure that each entry is distinct and focussed on the particular requirements for that category.
- Our judges are only human and prefer nominations that are well presented and a pleasure to read. Lists of achievements on their own, however impressive, tend not to go down too well. But, equally, don’t spend huge amounts of time just on presentation – there has to be substance as well as style to the entry.
- Don’t write a textbook. Remember the word limit and stick to it. Everything that’s relevant can be said in 3,000 words.
- Most of the awards recognise teams rather than individuals. The best entries paint a picture of the business, how it operates, its culture and ethos and give a real insight into what makes it tick.
- Do provide testimonials, but make them integral to the nomination. It is very powerful when an entry describes a particular piece of work and includes positive feedback from a client. Letters of testimonial added as an appendix to an entry have much less impact.
- Don’t just send us marketing blurb. The judges are not buying your services, but are looking for a rounded picture of what the business does and where it’s going. The best entries are those which are honest and acknowledge that sometimes not everything works well out first time. The judges enjoy reading about challenges and how a business overcame these.
- Avoid clichés and “motherhood and apple pie statements”. The judges are in no doubt that you “treat each client as an individual” and that “you go the extra mile to service your clients” but when they read those sorts of comments in entry after entry they become a hindrance rather than an asset to your entry. You don’t need to tell us that you are doing what everybody else is doing. We can take that for granted. Let us know about what makes your team distinct.
- When the entry has been drafted, why not let somebody in the firm who has not been involved in putting it together read it and provide honest feedback. After all, if they don’t enjoy reading it the judges are not likely to either.
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Queries regarding entering should be addressed to Annabel McQuillan 020 8652 2180